Day 1 of Houston International Quilt Market 2014












If I had to pick my favorite picture from today… this is it. It’s me enjoying a bundle of new Kokka quilting cottons that I got at Quilt Market sample spree. But let me back up a little bit… it was a loooong day.

This picture is from Kerry's instagram @kidgiddy

This picture is from Kerry’s instagram @kidgiddy

We started the day stalking the Cotton and Steel founders. This is (from the left) Heather of Girl Charlee, Sarah of Blue Susan Makes, me, and Kerry of Kid Giddy. We are at the schoolhouse portion of Quilt Market, waiting for our Cotton and Steel to come in.

Once they came in we ooohed and ahhed over the new line of Cotton and Steel fabrics. So gorgeous!

I had to get my picture taken with Melody Miller and Rashida Coleman-Hale. I’m such a big fan of theirs.

Not long after that, Sarah and I got to have our own Schoolhouse presentation about Just For You. We did a super fun (and cheesy) fashion show runway featuring all the projects in the book. Here we are with all of the awesome women who volunteered to be models for us. They are still wearing the items that they modeled. Thank you everyone!!!


Time flew by and soon we were hanging out at the Fabric 2.0 party meeting lots of bloggy friends like Amy Smart (Diary of a Quilter) and Jera (Quilting in the Rain). I love finally meeting people in person.

I took this picture from Jera's instagram feed @quiltingintherain

I took this picture from Jera’s instagram feed @quiltingintherain

Immediately from the party we all ran over to get in line for sample spree. The line to get in had thousands of people already. It’s hard to describe sample spree. Imagine lots of crazy women swarming around tables of pre-cut fabrics, quilt patterns, scissors, and anything else quilt-related… and every thing is being sold at wholesale prices. I went straight to the Cotton and Steel tables where over a hundred ladies were crowding around and reached my arms through the mass of bodies, trying to get anything at all. I scored a bundle of the new cotton poplins and canvas fabrics. I had to stand around for another 20 minutes after that waving my money at Melody’s husband until I could finally pay. Whew!

The energy in that room is seriously contagious… kind of like an auction where buying is like winning. I felt so triumphant getting my Cotton and Steel!

Getting the beautiful Kokka cotton fabrics (top picture) was a lot easier… it simply involved counting out every last dollar in my wallet. Yup. My sample spree shopping had to end there. But it was worth it.


I hauled my Quilt Market loot (so far) back to my hotel room and here it is. Most of the stuff on the right I bought at sample spree. The stuff on the left was in my Fabric 2.0 swag bag. I can’t wait to go home and sew! Okay, I can. I have 2 more days left in my Quilt Market adventure. Follow along with me on Instagram @sewcanshe!

So, what have you been sewing up this week? Did you make something with one of my free sewing tutorials or patterns? I would love to see! Tag me on Instagram @sewcanshe.

Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂