Terrible Tuesday… Owl Boogers!

Update: I finished my Adorable Owl Tutorial. Click here to see how to make this little guy.

I had such a funny disaster this week that I had to write a Terrible Tuesday post. I would be a dishonest blogger if I didn’t. We all have sewing and crafting fails. This is my latest.

Owl boogers!

Here is the last owl that I sewed – taking pictures along the way for my Adorable Owl Sewing Tutorial that’s coming tomorrow. Everything was going fabulously until I used a new kind of hot glue to attach the eyes – and I glued them in the wrong spot. Aaagh!

For all the other owls, if I decided to re-position the eyes or the beak, I could peel the old glue off and just use more for my second try. So I pulled the eyes off and glued them on again just a bit higher. But this new glue that I bought stuck to the fabric and wouldn’t come off. And it’s shiny like boogers!

In case you are wondering… this is the glue. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with it. I guess it just sticks too well, lol.

I put the owls in our living room to be Halloween decor and my kids have been re-arranging the little flock every 20 minutes. I’m sure you could guess that they love ‘Booger’ just as much as the other owls, so he must not really be a fail!

Check back tomorrow for the free Adorable Owl Sewing Pattern & Tutorial!

Happy sewing,

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