25 Free Quilt Patterns From Tilda: Ultimate Eye Candy


Tilda is a fabric brand that was founded by Norwegian designer, Tone Finnanger in 1999. Tone is still the CEO, and her team creates a whole world of wonder, charm, and nostalgia. The fabrics are just as lovely to feel as they are to see, and you could create a treasured heirloom using any of the free quilt patterns featured on their website.

I love nearly everything that Tone designs and I think you will too. So without further ado… feast your eyes!

Paperbird Quilt

Photo credit: Tildasworld.com

I’m in love with this quilt. I like that the garlands of birds aren’t too symmetrical, adding movement and interest. I can imagine wrapping up in this quilt and being enfolded by luxury. It’s just beautiful.

Make do and Mend Quilt

Photo credit: Tildasworld.com

Of course I’m going to love a sewing machine theme! But even more of course is that the fabrics and prints are gorgeous.

Swim Team Quilt

Photo credit: Tildasworld.com

Do you just love this layout? That swim team is more synchronized than any other I’ve seen. So imaginative!

Coctail Hour Quilt

Photo credit: Tildasworld.com

Sumptuous is the word of the day here. The quilting enhances the lavish textures of the chateaux-inspired fabrics. Wow, just wow.

Striped Summer Quilt

Photo credit: Tildasworld.com

I like the teal and corn colors used in this quilt. The quilt’s bright mix of fabric and simple design (done perfectly) make me so happy.

Dressing Gown

Photo credit: Tildafabrics.com

The blue and mustard colors in the Dressing Gown Quilt are so perfect with the pops of pink and grey. This is done with Chic Escape fabrics which mix a rich and gorgeous floral design with an Asian influence. I love this so much!

Buttercup Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Buttercup is a scrappy-style quilt with timeless prints from the Basics collections. I love this combination of colors, and the different color flower centers are perfectly cute. Can you see this in your home?

Striped Summer Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

This gorgeous quilt features fabrics from the Bloomville collection, coupled with some Abloom blenders and Solids. The final design belies it’s simplicity, and I bet you could make this one too.

Cosy Stripes Quilt

Photo credit: Tildafabrics.com

As soon as I saw this quilt I wanted to drool (but of course, I don’t do that). The quilt is made from rectangle blocks and sashing, but I love how the fabrics and quilting make it so unique and even breathtaking. Plum Garden fabrics are so beautiful!

Mango Garden Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

This is another quilt that looks more complicated than it is. The fun design is made from Bloomsville fabrics. The tropical feel of colors is among my favorite: turquoise, mustard, coral, and blue.

Birthday Quilt Dove White

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

This Birthday Quilt would be perfect to celebrate a loved one. Appliqué motifs make up the central flower vase and corner flowers. The specific method is called turned-edge appliqué.

Birdhouse Quilt

Photo credit: Tildafabrics.com

Again with the mustard… I love!! The Apple Butter fabric collection is featured in this quilt. The cute birds make me smile, and the consistent blue dot and pink roof really unify the overall pattern. Admire the custom quilting and smile with me!

Birthday Pillows

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

The Birthday Party pillows have pretty flowers and leaves appliquéd to a single piece of background fabric using turned-edge appliqué.

Flower Vase Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

The pixel design is intended to emulate embroidery. The design is made up of just squares in a single size. There is lots of easy cutting and seam matching, but the result is nothing short of stunning.

My Birthday Party Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

The My Birthday Party Quilt is done in a few colors that you can see on the Tilda’s World website. This aqua quilt is the one I like the best. It’s done with Jubilee and Basics fabric.

My Birthday Party Pillows

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

These colorful pillows feature party children’s blocks in a similar way to the quilts. Here you can see the other colors used. Don’t you love the party feel of the bright colors?

Windy Days Quilt

Photo credit: Tildafabrics.com

The fabrics in the Windy Days Quilt are from the Windy Days, Chambray, and Classic Basics collections. I love the playful feeling of the swirling stitches in the quilting, and the soft colors of the tree. I see some leaves blowing, and hair, and a scarf in the wind. It’s all so precious, and I could stare at it for hours.

Spinning Top Qult

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

I appreciate the look of a simple design turned into an interesting illusion. This Spinning Top pattern is perfect for beginners, and the solids are bright and fun against a soft background.

Bunting Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

The beautiful curved seams of the Bunting Quilt. The tilt of the strings really make me feel like the party is ready to start! It’s brilliant to use triangles so that each line is a little off parallel.

Lollyflower Pillows

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Have you sewn curved seams before? Pillow projects are a good place to start. This one pairs nicely with the Bunting Quilt and is made with the Jubilee fabric collection.

Color Dance Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

You can really make a beautiful quilt using simple shapes and nicely matched seam lines. The bold colors mix well in the Color Dance quilt, and you can do this one too!

Berry Wreath Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

This is another one that I could admire for hours. Berry Wreath features the Hibernation collection. If you get a close look you will even spy the mice, squirrels, and birds.

Berry Wreath Pillows

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Love sweet love – What more is there to say really? Can’t you picture these adorable fall prints in your home? Tildafabrics.com has a bunch of free patterns; give them a try!

Put Down Roots

free quilt pattern
Photo credit: Tildafabrics.com

Put Down Roots uses the Hometown fabric collection. I have a friend who loves the peacock color for her home decor. I think this would be a perfect quilt to display.

Color Speckles Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Modern and asymmetrical are spectacularly paired in this quilt. It’s another easy beginner patterns that can be perfected for a truly timeless piece of art. Bright solid colors on a neutral background for the win!

The Second Flower Vase Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Here is another design featuring a flower vase based on embroidery. It really looks beautiful as a whole, and imaginative when viewed in pieces.

Happy Holidays Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Charming is the word I would use for Happy Holidays Quilt. It’s made with the Hibernation collection so there are little critters hiding in unassuming places all over. You could use any of the blocks to make matching pillows too!

Christmas Goose Cushions

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

Speaking of matching pillows, here are some made with the geese block. Aren’t they precious?

Maple Leaf Quilt

Photo by Tildafabrics.com

There’s something about maple leaves that I just love. You can always count on them to make Autumn instantly appear. Tone has a way of evoking a gentle peace with Chambray and nature that I find myself in love with.

Maple Leaf Pillows

Photo credit: Tildafabrics.com

Six maple leaves make a perfect size pillow! It’s a magical, creative mixture that is sure to add comfort to your home setting.

Don’t forget, all of these free patterns can be found on Tilda’s World website. I hope you check it out!

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Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂