Learn to sew this simple patchwork quilt with easy to cut squares.

You will need:

I chose 2 1/2’’ fabric squares for the top layer of my quilt because I wanted to use up MORE of my scrap pieces of fabric in less time. In addition to perfectly cut mini-charm squares that are already 2 1/2’’, you can also use 5’’ charm squares (just cut each one into 4 pieces) or cut your squares from 2 1/2’’ jelly roll strips.

For this quilt, you will need 1024 squares, each 2 1/2’’ x 2 1/2’’

The basic way is to use a self-healing cutting mat, rotary cutter, and ruler to cut lots of 2 1/2” squares, or use a pencil to mark the squares on your fabric and cut them out with scissors.

Use a 1/4’’ seam allowance and a stitch length of about two.

Continue this for the rest of your squares!

To Finish...

1. Sew together a fabric piece big enough for the back of the quilt with at least 2’’ extra all the way around (at least 66’’ x 66’’). 2. Sandwich the quilt top, a 66’’ x 66’’ piece of batting, and backing together and baste. My favorite basting methods to hold my quilt sandwich layers together are fusible batting or pin basting. 3. Quilt the quilt top as desired. 4. Trim away the extra batting and quilt backing. 5. Cut 7 strips of binding 2 1/2’’ x width of fabric and sew them together using diagonal seams. Bind the quilt using your preferred method to cover the raw edges of the quilt.

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