Easy Quilt Patterns That Are Perfect For Beginners – All Free

Quilt making isn’t hard – it’s fun! These quilt patterns are a great place for beginners to start. Plus all of these patterns are free.

Easy Fat Quarter Friendly Quilts

Easy Fat Quarter Friendly Quilts

Fat Quarter Fancy

Fat Quarters often come in coordinating bundles so they are a great beginner project because you don’t have to worry if your fabrics will look good together.


Big Star Quilt

This fast and easy (and free) throw quilt pattern uses my shortcut method for sewing two half square triangles (HST’s) at one time. It’s also fat quarter friendly.


Bow Tie Baby Quilt

The bow tie quilt block is a great block to learn first. Arrange your easy quilt blocks in this simple pattern and get ready to shower some love on a new baby!


Fat Quarter Whirlwind Quilt Pattern

This simple patchwork quilt is perfect for beginners or anyone who needs to sew a quilt quickly because the blocks are simple and repetitive.


Half Square Triangle Baby Quilt Pattern

This simple quilt pattern will introduce you to the world of quilting with a successful first quilt for sure!


Tap the link below for more Easy Quilt Designs!