I’ve been LED Inspired! {see my new lights}
This is a story with a happy ending. A story of a blog reader reaching out and helping a blogger. And now that blogger wants to pay it forward and help you!
A few weeks ago I wrote about my new Juki 2010Q (that I LOVE) and in my review I only had a few very minor complaints. One of those was weird lighting. The led light on my sewing machine is very bright, but it is to the left of the needle, so it casts strange shadows like this:
It’s kind of annoying when I’m trying to sew at night and really annoying when I’m trying to take pictures for the blog. Lucky for me, I have a blog reader (named Kathy) who reached out and shared some photos with me of her lights from inspiredled.com.
Isn’t this awesome? I was so intrigued that I called the company and asked if I could order the exact same light kit that they sold Kathy.
I chatted with a girl named Erica a bit and found out that their sewing machine LED lighting kit is only $30. Can you believe that? I asked her if I could share this with my blog readers, and a couple hours later she emailed me saying that her boss at Inspired LED wanted to giveaway 4 kits to my readers in this blog post. Yay!
I received my light kit just a few days later and it was so easy to install. I’m embedding a video down lower in this post, but here’s my kit for you to see:
Since my conversation with Erica, the folks at Inspired LED have updated this kit making it even more adjustable and perfect for any sewing machine. The LED strip is very long, meant for you to cut to fit your machine. And the cord from the end of the LED strip is longer too, so you can put the switch wherever you like.
In any event, here are a few pictures showing how I installed mine:
FYI: I removed the light strip and re-positioned it twice with no problem. Very impressed with how sticky that strip is.
And so bright! Here are some more photos that I took in my darkened sewing room without adjusting my camera settings in between shots:
Don’t you love it?
One unexpected benefit is now I can clean my sewing machine with it actually unplugged (like the manual suggests) because I have great lighting (even better than before) with the Inspired LED lights on. And here’s the installation video I promised:
By the way, I love it so much I put it on my list of the best sewing machines you can buy on Amazon.
Happy sewing!
Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. ๐