Show Off Saturday… ‘Yay For The Boy!’ Quilt Finish

A quilt finish is such a big deal. I mean, we put so much work into each one. And if you are anything like me (with a million WIPs at any one time) quilts get started and stopped, pushed aside for something more pressing (pressing, lol!). It can take YEARS for a quilt to be finished.

That’s why I am SO AMAZED that I have been able to show off finished quilts for three Saturdays in a row: first Merry Stars, then my hand quilted baby quilt (no name yet) and then this quilt called ‘Yay for the Boy!’

But this quilt is different. We’re not talking years in the making… more like 10 days. Well, exactly 10 days. From nothing at all – no idea I would be making a quilt… to designing, cutting, sewing, quilting, binding, packing, and shipping it off to Blend Fabrics. Whew!

They needed a quilt on the fly to showcase an adorable new fabric collection called ‘Adventurers’ (find it at Fabricworm). And I’m so delighted to have a quilt hanging at Fall Quilt Market this year (I can pretend that hanging in the Blend booth is as important as hanging in the gallery, right?). As if I wasn’t 100% over the top excited to go. Which I am!

So now I have 6 days left before I fly out to see all my Quilt Market friends and I need to make myself something to wear!

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Happy Sewing!

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