How to Make a HST Heart Mini Quilt – Free Tutorial


This Half Square Triangle Quilt Pattern is perfect for a mini-quilt, baby quilt, or big quilt – as big as you want! It looks awesome with lots of scrappy prints.

The quilt pattern is comprised of a 10×10 grid. You can make it any size. I used 2” HST’s (half square triangles) so my mini quilt is 20”. If you use 4” HST’s you’ll get a 40” baby quilt. Use 10” units for a King sized quilt!

The rotation of your HST’s puts directional lines in the middle of the heart and makes it more interesting than a pixel heart (made with squares instead of HST’s) – although you could use the pattern for that too.

Here is the grid layout. Feel free to right click and save it to your computer.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to sew together 100 pieces (unless you want to).  There are 32 HST’s. We will cut the other portions as strips.

If you have an Accuquilt cutter, you can quickly sew the half square triangles together without using any shortcut method. The following dies will make the same quilt shown:

  • 2” finished HST 55063
  • 2 1/2” strip die 55017





easy hst blocks

First make 32 half square triangles using any method you like. I used a product that I love called Triangles on a Roll. I cut it into smaller pieces so I could use lots of different fabrics. The papers come in many sizes. I also have a tutorial for making HST’s without paper.

I used all prints for my HST’s but you could use a print/solid combo too like the ones at right.

See how many ways you can switch this up???


HSTs arranged in a heart design

Arrange the HST’s on your workspace or quilt design board. Make sure you rotate each according to the pattern.



Sew the HST’s into rows and add strips to the sides. Add 2 whole strips at the top and 2 whole strips to the the bottom of the heart. (The picture above only has 1 strip at the top and bottom, but you’ll need 2 for a square quilt.)

To calculate the strips, add together the dimensions of your units and then add the 1/4” seam allowances. For example, I was using 2” HST’s (2 1/2” before sewing) so my strip with 3 units was 2 1/2” x 6 1/2” before sewing.



half square triangle heart quilt

Sew the rows together and then quilt as desired.


After I was done, I added loops for hanging. A 20” mini quilt is great to hang on the wall.



heart shaped mini quilt made with half square triangles

And there you go! I would love to see this pattern in many different sizes, so if you make one please share a photo in our SewCanShe Socialites Facebook group!

Check out all my free mini quilt patterns!



Pinterest Pin copy 2.jpg

And all my Scrappy Half Square Triangle Patterns too!


Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂