How to Sew Narrow Bias Tape Straps with a Ribbon & Sequin Foot (video too)


When I was sewing the sweet braided strap on my Arial Tote, I had to sew lots and lots of long narrow strips (I made lots of bags before the free pattern was perfect, wink wink!).

Holding the narrow folded strip in place to sew it became so tedious that I started searching through the many sewing machine feet that came with my Janome 14000 to see if any could make the job easier. 

Jackpot! The Ribbon/Sequin foot (RS) was genius at sewing this long folded strip of fabric. You are really going to want one for your sewing machine!

Note: This foot doesn’t normally come with the Janome 14000, but I got my machine for an amazing deal with lots of bonus accessories here from You can also get the Janome Ribbon and Sequin Foot by itself.

Here’s a short 1 minute video that I made to show you how the narrow strap practically sews itself!

I threaded the 1” strip of fabric that is folded like double fold bias tape through the foot before I snapped the foot onto the foot holder on my machine. Then I positioned my needle all the way to the right.

This would work great with double fold bias tape too if you don’t want to cut and fold the strip of fabric yourself.

Hopefully your sewing machine either came with this foot or you can find one. If not, I found this foot on Amazon that is supposed to fit most machines. I have not tried it, though.

Let me know below if you try this and how it works!


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