Simple Sewing that Makes a Big Difference!
Let me start by saying how grateful I am for what the SewCanShe blog has become over the past decade. Everyday I find an incredible source of inspiration, collaboration, and learning from my readers who contribute their knowledge and ideas. This medium is priceless to me!
Wednesday is one of my favorite days of the week for my blog because I get to browse through all the current entries for the Show Off Saturday linky party for that week. I love seeing all the projects that you have been working on. It’s like retail therapy…only better! (lol;)
This week I came across a project that stopped me in my tracks:
Look what a simple and easy project that is to make…a sleeping mask! This would take me maybe 5 minutes to make. Only 5 minutes to make, but it would mean so much more. I would actually be doing something really kind for myself. You see, I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep at night, so taking a little time to make a sleep mask could mean I get a better nights sleep, which means I’m more able to care of those I love. <3
So, in this new year I want to encourage you to use your craft to pamper, protect, & prepare yourself to be the very best you can be with these little projects that can mean SO MUCH! Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to make your life a little better in a big way.
Pamper yourself with a sleep mask!
A gentle heating pad on your neck can work wonders.
Play a game, laugh, love, & have some fun:)
Never loose your keys again…your time is too valuable:)
Make a beautiful maxi skirt in with a print you love but haven’t dared to wear…until now!
Keep that machine ready to use at all times. Sometimes you NEED to sew…{H-E-double hockey sticks} hath no fury like a sewist whose machine is on the fritz during an important project…
Give a little love to the ones who are always there with a lotta love for you (cage comforters). <3
A few minutes of preparation and organization is worth hours down the road! I love this sewing machine mat and thread catcher.
Be you. Love you. Own you. Take time to do what you love. Don’t let your troubles take over.
Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂