How to use the BSR Bernina Stitch Regulator to Free Motion Quilt a Sweet Meandering Design

Are you curious about the BSR – Bernina Stitch Regulator? It’s an amazing sewing machine foot that helps you keep your free motion stitches an even length. I used it to quilt a sweet meandering design on some of the blocks in my quilt and made a quick video to show you how!

The baby heart meandering design is a variation of the basic free motion quilting meandering design that I really love. It has a sweet whimsical quality that’s great whenever you feel like life is getting too serious! If you want to see how to quilt this design in general – using a regular free motion foot click here to watch my video How to Quilt the Baby Heart Meandering Design.
I use this quilting design most on baby quilts. With little hearts quilted every few inches, it’s like you are sewing love right into the quilt!

I made this video after first making one for our Color By Number Quiltalong Series. After free motion quilting this design a few blocks with my regular foot, I switched to my BSR to show you how it helps keep all of your stitches the same length while you are free motion quilting.
My video about quilting with the Bernina Stitch Regulator should play automatically in the video player on this page. If it doesn’t, you can watch it on my YouTube channel here.

At the end of the video, I’ll show you why I don’t use the BSR for most of my quilting. At this time they don’t have a ruler foot attachment for it and I love ruler quilting! I’m hoping that a ruler foot attachment for the Bernina Stitch Regulator is in the works.
If you haven’t seen it yet, watch the unboxing video for my Tula Pink Special Edition B770 QE Sewing Machine – it’s the one that I’m using in these videos!
Plus check out some of my free quilt patterns below. 🙂

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