baby quilts

Free Half Square Triangle Star Baby Quilt Pattern – fat quarter friendly!

Free Half Square Triangle Star Baby Quilt Pattern – fat quarter friendly!

Get ready to sew your next baby quilt using half square triangles! This fast and easy (and free) baby quilt pattern uses my shortcut method for sewing two half square triangles (HST’s) at one time. After you have sewn all of the HST’s you need, you’ll sew them together with a few extra background pieces and your new baby quilt will be done. And guess what – this free quilt pattern is fat quarter friendly too!


How to Sew the Easiest Patchwork Baby Quilt Ever – free quilt pattern

Do you have 5 minutes to make a baby quilt? Okay, you’ll need more than 5 minutes, but this baby quilt can easily be sewn in an afternoon. How great is that when you need a baby shower gift for that same evening! Let me show you how to use soft and cozy Nantucket Patchwork Plaid fabric from Fabric Wholesale Direct and this will be your most wallet friendly quilt too.