The Jamie Jumper on my Cadie (thank you Bonnie!)


True story. Saturday I must have felt like I’m already on bff terms with Bonnie of Fishsticks Designs (having met her in real life once now). In a moment of frustration that a certain commercial pattern only went up to size 2T, I grabbed my phone and texted her a picture of the line drawing, saying something like ‘you should design this going all the way up to size 12… my kids would wear it!’ She sweetly answered me back that she already had designed something almost exactly the same and it went up to a size 5. Oops, awkward!


Later on that night I checked my email, and there it was… the Wee Tot’s Collection including this fabulous little number, the Jamie Jumper. How sweet is that? {click here to see the pattern at}

And you all know that I think pdf patterns are wayyyy better than those awful commercial patterns. Should I list the reasons again? Pdf pattern designers are real people who know how we like to sew, how we want our kids clothes to fit, and who are willing to share tips that make our projects a success. And you don’t have to go to the store to get them… and you can re-print and use them as many times as you want… and you can save them on your computer taking up no room in your house! I could go on, but I’ll stop there.


And in case you were wondering, my sweet little heart snaps came from I used the heart caps with size 16 snaps. I really like that size for kids clothes, especially knits.


I’m totally excited about this pattern and can’t wait to make it in a ‘shorts’ version when the weather warms up. The ‘Wee Tot’s Collection’ also includes an easy little jogging set (that’s my description) and both outfits fit children size 18 mo – 5T generously. I must admit that I have never made one of Bonnie’s patterns only once. Her designs turn out to be the things my kids love to wear. And they are very easy to make.


Finally, a smile! Cadie was a bit concerned that I was having her get ready for bed before dinner. Like I would really put her in bed at 5:30.  I might think about it, but it hasn’t happened yet. ๐Ÿ™‚


Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. ๐Ÿ™‚