10 Most Popular SewCanShe Sewing Tutorials of 2015… All Free!
It’s the end of the year… time for all of the ‘best of’ lists, lol. I thought it would be fun to look over the SewCanShe stats and see what people were reading. So guess what? SewCanShe was viewed over 4 million times this year! I am amazed – thank you!
Anyway, lots and lots of people read my ‘How Much For The Dress’ post (a commentary on how differently people value handmade items). And what about my sewing tutorials? Well, here are the 10 most popular sewing tips and tutorials that I wrote in 2015:
10. The Cheaters Elastic Waistband Tutorial
9. Soft and Cozy Rag Quilt Sewing Tutorial
8. Speedy Patchwork Tote Bag Sewing Tutorial
7. Orange Peel Quilt Block Template & Tutorial
6. How to Sew a Dart {2 foolproof tricks}
5. Pajama Bottoms & Shorts Sewing Pattern
4. Quilt Labels Free Printable & Tutorial
3. Big Pocket Baby Clutch Sewing Pattern
2. Little Ruffle Skirt (or skort) Sewing Pattern
1. Easy Peasy Drawstring Backpack Sewing Tutorial – perfect for a boy or a girl!
Bonus question: What is the most popular SewCanShe Tutorial ever???
Here’s to a great 2016… I can’t wait to see what I think up!
Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂