Book Review {and video}: Girl’s Guide to DIY Fashion by Rachel Low


I had so much fun sewing with my 9 year old daughter Chloe this week. Rachel Low of Pins and Needles sent us a copy of her book Girl’s Guide to DIY Fashion and asked us to join in her blog hop… how fun!

Pins and Needles is a sewing, fabric and modern crafts boutique and studio in New York City. Let me tell you, I can’t wait to visit it!

I have to admit, my favorite thing about this book is the photography. There are lots of books out there for teaching girls to sew (Chloe and I have shopped for them), but I have never seen one before with such beautiful, real-life examples of girls having fun together sewing. I asked Rachel about it, and she told me that they are her actual students. C&T sent a photographer out to NYC to catch them in action, isn’t that cool?

Chloe is a confident beginner when it comes to sewing. She has her own sewing machine (a Hello Kitty Janome) and often starts and finishes her own projects before I even realize it! So I let her browse Girl’s Guide to DIY Fashion and pick out what she wanted to sew. She fell in love with the Nifty Necklace and wanted it in her wardrobe immediately. ๐Ÿ™‚  This project can be no-sew, but of course she had to get out her sewing machine.

I helped her gather the materials and then my job was photographer… the pictures and easy instructions made it easy for her to figure everything out herself.

Isn’t she cute? I love it.

When she was done, she agreed to let me make a short video of her talking about the book. It’s only our second SewCanShe video. Hope you like it!

Thank you so much to Rachel for sending us a copy of Girls Guide to DIY Fashion… Chloe’s gonna be sewing many more things from it in the coming months I’m sure. Hopefully I’ll get to make another fun trip to NYC and visit Pins and Needles (see my trip last year).

Happy Sewing!

Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. ๐Ÿ™‚