Face Mask Material from Filti: Product Review and COUPON CODE

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Face mask material made in the U.S. is now available from a company called Filti. I learned about this fabric from a reader and I wanted to show it to you in a product review video as soon as I could.

This review is totally unbiased. I ordered and paid for the filter material independently without their knowledge.

If the review doesn’t play automatically in the video player on this page, you can see it on my YouTube channel.


According to the product data sheet, this filtering material can filter out particles down to .3 micron at 95% efficiency.


Filti face mask fabric is thin and seems to be the same quality as regular surgical masks. I have been told by other readers that this material is hand washable, but to me the fabric does not seem like it would work as well if washed.

You could use it to sew pleated face masks, or make filters to go inside homemade face masks sewn from the Olson Face Mask Pattern.

I found it to be very easy to pleat and make small filters like the ones I made from a HEPA air filter.

At the time of this post, Filti face mask material costs about $30 for a sheet 28’’ wide and 10 feet long. I don’t find the cost to be unreasonable, however shipping for 2 sheets was $39. Ouch!

They need to offer more shipping options, such as U.S. Priority Mail flat rate shipping. The material I ordered could easily have fit in a medium size flat rate box and shipped for $13.20 instead of $39.

On the bright side, it only took 8 days to arrive at my home in Central Florida.

UPDATE: The people at Filti reached out to me and offered my readers 10% off using coupon code CAROLINE10.

Would this product be worth it to you? How would you use it? Let me know in the comments below.

Hope you are staying healthy and safe!



Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂