How to Finish the Kitchen Sink BOM Quilt!


Our Kitchen Sink Block of the Month Quilt series is coming to an end. Last month I shared the final block pattern with you. Here are the instructions for finishing your beautiful Kitchen Sink Quilt. With 10 different block patterns, I’m sure you’ll agree that this bold and graphic quilt contains everything but the kitchen sink!

If you have been sewing along with us, you probably learned to sew a block or two that you had never made before!

I wrote these block patterns with a new quilter in mind. Each month a new quilt block pattern was introduced in order of difficulty. Subsequent patterns built on skills learned in the first few patterns. You may have sewn strip pieced 4 or 9 patches, half square triangles, quarter square triangles, or flying geese for the first time.

If you haven’t started yet, or want to get caught up, you can find a list of all of the Kitchen Sink BOM Quilt Block Patterns here. I will also put links at the end of this post.

There are 64 twelve inch blocks total. After you sew them together your quilt will be a gorgeous 96” square. That’s a generous queen size quilt. See standard quilt sizes here.

Download the Kitchen Sink Finishing Instructions as a free printable PDF file.

Enter your email address below to download the free finishing instructions as a PDF file (pages 20-21 of the Kitchen Sink Quiltalong Quilt Pattern).

Then check your inbox for a link to download the free PDF file. It may take 5-10 minutes to arrive. If you do not see the email with a download link in your main inbox, please check your junk folder in case it went there.

By entering your email address you are signing up for my SewCanShe newsletter. That way you won’t miss any of our block patterns! If you already read my newsletter – thanks so much! You will still receive an email with a link to download the file.

Do you want the entire pattern at once?

You know I love to surprise my readers who have purchased my PDF Library! I have put the entire Kitchen Sink Quilt Pattern (a 21 page file!) in the library in the quilts category. If you don’t already own my library of ‘All SewCanShe Printable Blog Tutorials’ then I suggest checking out this wonderful deal. It includes over 200 patterns!

The individual parts are free, but this is the only way that you can the 21 page Kitchen Sink Quilt Pattern in a single PDF file.

Finishing the Kitchen Sink Quilt

These instructions are for after you have finished sewing all 64 blocks in our Kitchen Sink Block of the Month Quilt series.

You will need:

  • 9 yds backing fabric OR 3 yards of 108’’ wide backing fabric
  • a piece of batting at least 100 1/2’’ x 100 1/2’’
  • 3/4 yrd binding fabric

Quilt Assembly:

Use a 1/4’’ seam allowance and a medium stitch length such as 2.

1. Arrange the blocks in rows as shown above. Pay close attention to the orientation of each block.

2. Sew 8 blocks together to make each row.

Finishing Your Quilt

1. Cut the 9 yards of backing fabric into 3 pieces that are each 42” x 101”. Sew the three pieces together to make a large backing piece that is at least 100 1/2’’ x 100 1/2’’.


Use 3 yards of 108’’ wide backing fabric.

2. Cut the backing fabric to 100 1/2’’ x 100 1/2’’, or as needed.

3. Layer the backing,  batting, and quilt top. Baste.

4. Quilt as desired.

5. Cut 10 strips 2 1/2’’ x WOF from the binding fabric. Join the ends and press to make one long strip of double fold binding.

Bind to finish your Kitchen Sink Quilt!

These are the 10 free quilt block patterns that were in the Kitchen Sink BOM:

  • Four Patch Block
  • Nine Patch Quilt Block Pattern
  • Half Square Triangle Block
  • Quarter Square Triangle Block
  • Friendship Star Block
  • Flying Geese Block
  • Variable Star Block
  • Ohio Star Block
  • Nine Patch Chain Block
  • Pinwheel Mosaic Block

Our Kitchen Sink Quiltalong Page contains all of the Quiltalong Blocks and bonus quilt patterns. Bookmark it so you can easily find them!

Links to all of the other available Kitchen Sink Quiltalong Quilt Block Patterns and bonus quilt patterns will also be placed below. If you love making quilts like me, be sure to check out all of my free quilt patterns.


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