How to Quilt a Square Feather – Color By Number Quiltalong Week 6


week 6 square2.jpg

Hey everyone! I need to post our CBN Qultalong video a little bit early this week instead of sharing a live video. My husband asked me to attend a funeral with him that we weren’t expecting. 🙁

But we’re still going to keep on quilting!


This week’s design is Square Feather (or a feather in a square) which I have LOVED quilting 12 times on my Color By Number Quilt. I am not a quilting perfectionist – I have never quilted 2 feathers that look exactly alike – but I do enjoy quilting feathers in bounded areas like squares and triangles.

My video tutorial for quilting a feather in a square will start playing automatically in the video player on this page. If you don’t see it, you can also find it on my YouTube channel here.


Last week (week 5) we quilted spiral squares – so much fun! Find all of our free Color By Number Quiltalong videos on our CBN Quiltalong page.

Happy quilting,


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