My All-time Favorite ByAnnie Sewing Patterns
I love making bags, pouches, totes and anything to carry my treasure is (as you well know, lol!). ByAnnies flexible foam stabilizer is the secret ingredient that helps make my projects look amazing. Annie is the inventor of ByAnnies flexible foam stabilizer. Here is a collection of my all-time favorite projects that she designed and that you can find on her website. Some of these patterns are available for free (yay!) some of them require a small fee to purchase – well worth every penny in my opinion, her projects are fun to sew and the results are priceless. Come see…
Look at how beautiful my Ultimate Travel Bag from ByAnnie turned out! I had help making it from one of my sewing besties…check it out!
The Call Me Pouch from ByAnnie is so handy. Just right for travel…come get the link to the free pattern!
The Zip It UP! from ByAnnie is the perfect combo of handmade beauty for you tech storage needs! Use it for a kindle, phone, earbuds, anything you need!
ByAnnie’s Divide and Conquer bag pattern is awesome! It’s the perfect size to grab the essentials and go in style. I love how min turned out…come see🙂
I sewed up 3 of these adorable Petit Four Basket in just over an hour, and you can too! Click over to get the link to the free pattern…
ByAnnie’s Peacekeeper bag works incredibly to help you keep track of all your important sewing tools…come find out where to get the free pattern today!
Learn how to sew up these Sturdy Home Organizers WITH lids! I love it:) This project has a video class available to go with it, come see!
Chances are your going to be using flex foam interfacing if you decide to sew up any of these beautiful projects. Click over to get my best tips for basting your flex foam interfacing and up every inch of it!
Happy sewing,
Disclosure: some of my posts contain affiliate links. If you purchase something through one of those links I may receive a small commission, so thank you for supporting SewCanShe when you shop! All of the opinions are my own and I only suggest products that I actually use. 🙂